Sometimes I feel like a football being kicked around by servants of fate. Sometimes one good kick leaves me sailing to the goalpost. It’s celebration time then ! After that, I’m out on the field again, trying to make it to another goalpost. Sometimes I reach fast. Sometimes I almost reach but then I’m sent hurling back in the opposite direction where I have to start afresh. Sometimes I am mercilessly kicked around to and fro, constantly moving but reaching nowhere. In the midst of all this confusion, there’s the Crowd… watching my every move. Some cheer me on and others just go boo-boo (Pfffht to them). Spinning and sprinting around the ground gets real confusing at times…. I get so dizzy I don’t know where I’m going. But the worst part is when a great goal is missed because the goalkeeper had good reflexes (somebody paralyze him!). But the good part is that there are many more goals out there waiting to be scored.
As they say, life's a game... So enjoy it!