June 02, 2006


Sometimes I feel helpless. I look around. And everywhere I look, I see people with aims in life. One aims to be a journalist. And is becoming one. One aims to be an engineer. And is becoming one. One aims to be a scuba diver. And is becoming one.

What do you want to become? A doctor?

Eeee! And cut up strangers and rummage through all their icky insides?

Okay, a psychologist?

Hmm…. I do like gossip…

Forget it. A lawyer?

But I hate those black suits.

Can we drop this neti-neti thing and get to the point?

No… I’d rather take things slowly.

We’ve taken it slowly enough. My next client has been waiting for 2 days.


Just sit back, close your eyes and visualize yourself 10 years in the future. What do you see?

Me getting counseled by a better job counselor.

(Sighs) What I mean to say is don’t you even have some ambition? Some dream? Don’t you have an aim in life?

Yeah! To have an aim in life.

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